2018 Winter Rheumatology Symposium

Join the ACR in Snowmass, CO, for the Winter Rheumatology Symposium, Jan. 20 – 26, 2018. With more than 20 hours of non-concurrent, didactic, and interactive sessions, the symposium provides attendees with a well-rounded view of the latest advances in the field.

Highlights for this annual event include the interactive Panel Discussion on Inflammatory Arthritis with expert speakers Joel M. Kremer, MD; Vivien Bykerk, MD, FRCPC; Eric L. Matteson, MD; Christopher T. Ritchlin, MD, MPH; and Michael E. Weinblatt, MD. Back by popular demand, don’t miss the thought-provoking Points-on-Joints session, where a series of interesting, difficult, or puzzling rheumatologic cases are presented in the format of a thieves’ market with a brief introduction and summary followed by audience discussion.

Stop by the Education booth in the ACR Discovery Center (located in the Exhibit Hall) to learn more, or visit www.rheumatology.org/Learning-Center to register.

Key Deadlines:

Early Bird Registration: November 29
Housing: December 6
Discount Lift Tickets: January 1
Advance Registration: January 3