Considered by many the heart and pulse of any ACR annual meeting, the poster sessions for ACR Convergence 2020 will continue in a virtual format that will bring many improvements for both poster presenters and viewers.
Poster Hall virtual sessions will take place this year from 9 – 11 a.m. Friday, Nov. 6, through Monday, Nov. 9. These will be like the traditional in-person poster sessions, except ACR Convergence registered attendees can view more than 1,700 posters on display throughout the entire meeting on the ACR Convergence 2020 platform vs. only viewing available posters each day during the in-person meeting.
The platform also extends the opportunity to interact with poster presenters, said Annual Meeting Planning Committee Chair Victoria Shanmugam, MD, during a recent appearance on the ACR on Air podcast. Poster visitors can leave messages at any time with the poster presenters to ask questions, share comments, and possibly develop new research collaborations at any time during the meeting, not just during assigned poster session hours.
Dr. Shanmugan said the changes have her excited.
“I really think the poster sessions should work much better,” Dr. Shanmugam said. “I’m excited to hear some feedback on them.”
Listen to the full interview with Dr. Shanmugam and Swamy Venuturupalli, MD, Chair of the ACR Education Committee, about ACR Convergence 2020 at or find it and other ACR on Air episodes on your favorite podcast listening platform.