The ACR, the Indian Rheumatology Association (IRA), and the Pan American League of Associations for Rheumatology (PANLAR) are pleased to announce the recipients of awards in the International Visiting Fellows Exchange Program:
- Ignacio Gandino, MD, of Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Sonal Mehra, MBBS, of New Delhi, India
The goal of the International Visiting Fellows Exchange Program is to support scientific collaboration between members of the ACR and junior rheumatologists representing IRA and PANLAR. To achieve this objective, 2016 Exchange Program participants receive four weeks of mentoring from ACR hosts, observation and shadowing of senior rheumatologists at major U.S. medical centers, complimentary registration for the 2016 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting, and a lodging and travel stipend.

2016 host mentors are Anne R. Bass, MD, Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College and Rheumatology Fellowship Program Director at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City, and Kristine M. Lohr, MD, MS, Professor of Medicine, Interim Chief, Division of Rheumatology and Director, Rheumatology Training Program at the University of Kentucky in Lexington.
During the exchange, visiting fellows will:
- Participate in clinical and research conferences, as available, and observe evidence-based medicine in practice
- Have exposure to a U.S. healthcare system and will share his/her observations of how this is similar to or different from their own country’s healthcare system
- Follow training protocols that are consistent with U.S. graduate medical education
Monday’s issue will have more details about our recipients.