ACR Awards of Distinction

Presidential Gold Medal

The highest award that the ACR can bestow, the Presidential Gold Medal is awarded in recognition of outstanding achievements in rheumatology over an entire career. Established by the past presidents of the ACR, candidates will have made important contributions in multiple areas such as clinical medicine, research, education or administration. Funding support for this award of distinction is provided by the Rheumatology Research Foundation.

pisetskyDavid Pisetsky, MD, PhD, MACR
Duke University Medical Center/Durham VA Medical Center
Durham, NC

Distinguished Service Award

The Distinguished Service Award is awarded to an ACR member for outstanding and sustained service to the ACR.

Yvonne Smallwood Sherrer, MD

Centre for Rheumatology, Immunology and Arthritis
Fort Lauderdale, FL

Distinguished Clinician Scholar Award

The Distinguished Clinician Scholar Award is awarded to a rheumatologist who has made outstanding contributions in clinical medicine, clinical scholarship, or education.

Claire Bombardier, MD, MACR

University of Toronto/Toronto General Research Institute
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Distinguished Clinical Investigator Award

The Distinguished Clinical Investigator Award is awarded to a clinical scientist making outstanding contributions to the field of rheumatology. This award was known as the Clinical Research Award prior to 2006.

James R. O’Dell, MD

University of Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha, NE

Distinguished Basic Investigator Award

The Distinguished Basic Investigator Award is awarded to a basic scientist making outstanding contributions to the field of rheumatology.

John D. Mountz, MD, PhD

University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, AL

Paulding Phelps Award

The Paulding Phelps Award is awarded to a clinical rheumatologist for outstanding service to patients, community and the practice of medicine.

Thomas A. Pressly III, MD

Willis Knighton Medical Center/ Shriners Hospital for Children
Shreveport, LA

Henry Kunkel Young Investigator Award

The Henry Kunkel Young Investigator Award is awarded to a young physician scientist, age 45 or younger by October 1 of the year in which they are nominated, who has made outstanding and promising independent contributions to basic or clinical research in the field of rheumatology.

Soumya Raychaudhuri, MD, PhD

Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Boston, MA
University of Manchester
Manchester, United Kingdom

Jasvinder Singh, MBBS, MPH

University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, AL

Distinguished Fellowship Program Director Award

The Distinguished Fellowship Program Director Award is awarded to a current or former rheumatology program director that has made outstanding contributions in the mentoring and training of future rheumatologists. ACR members in good standing who are current or former rheumatology program directors for a period of a minimum of 5 years and who participate in related ACR educational activities.

Sterling West, MD, MACP, MACR

University of Colorado School of Medicine
Aurora, CO

Excellence in Investigative Mentoring Award

The Excellence in Investigative Mentoring Award recognizes the importance of the mentor/mentee relationship. A dedicated mentor can significantly influence the successful development and career of a mentee. This award honors an active ACR or ARHP member for their contributions to the rheumatology profession through outstanding and ongoing mentoring. Funding support for this award of distinction is provided by the Rheumatology Research Foundation.

Marian T. Hannan, DSc, MPH

Harvard Medical School/HSL Institute for Aging Research
Boston, MA

Ingrid Lundberg, MD, PhD, MACR

Karolinska Institutet
Stockholm, Sweden

For more information on each of these awards, and to view past recipients, please visit