In response to attendee feedback, the ACR Convergence Poster Hall will return to an in-person format in 2023.
“For a lot of people, it felt like a missing piece to the overall program when the Poster Hall was virtual. This is because the Poster Hall becomes the main way students and trainees can start learning how to talk about their research, and it’s an opportunity to make connections with other scientists,” said Betsy Barnes, PhD. “Scientists and clinicians use it as a way to enhance their knowledge, so it’s critical on both sides.”
Located in Hall C of the San Diego Convention Center, the Poster Hall will feature research organized by topic from 8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. PT daily on Sunday, Nov. 12, through Tuesday, Nov. 14, and presenters will be available to discuss their findings with meeting attendees from 9–11 a.m. daily.
The Poster Hall serves a dual purpose of showcasing the work being done in the field and providing a venue for networking.
“Because there are a limited number of talks, especially for trainees, the Poster Hall is the only way that they get a chance to present the work they’ve done the past year or the past two or three years,” said Dr. Barnes, Head of the Laboratory of Autoimmune and Cancer Research at the Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research and Professor at Hoffstra University/Northwell Heath. “It’s a point of pride. They get to present and even defend their work.”
Different posters are featured each of the three days the Poster Hall is open.
Attendees can tour the Poster Hall on their own or sign up to participate in a themed poster tour led by senior faculty. Poster tours are offered 9–11 a.m. each day the hall is open. Poster tour registration is offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
Posters will be featured on the ACR Convergence meeting website and mobile app before, during, and for a full year after the meeting ends. Individual poster presentations will not be recorded.
Register Today for ACR Convergence 2024
If you haven’t registered for ACR Convergence 2024, register today to participate in this year’s premier rheumatology experience, November 14–19 in Washington, D.C. All registered participants receive on-demand access to scientific sessions after the meeting through October 31, 2025