Poster presenter: Cristina Padilla, MD, MS, Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh
Poster title: Single Cell RNA-seq of Scleroderma-associated Interstitial Lung Disease Explants Reveals an Active, Cytotoxic Natural Killer Cell Population
Poster session B: Sunday, Nov. 17
What is your poster about?
“A CD56dim CD16+ natural killer (NK) cell population has been identified in lung explants from patients with scleroderma-associated interstitial lung disease (SSc-ILD). This population shows RNA upregulation of interferon-gamma, granzyme B, and CD226, which indicate both cytotoxicity and activation. We hypothesize these lung NK cells may play a role in inflammation and lung injury seen in SSc-ILD. Interestingly, amphiregulin expression is also highly upregulated. Amphiregulin binds epidermal growth factor receptor on pulmonary epithelial cells and in SSc-ILD, it may play a role in basal cell hyperplasia that is observed.”
Why did you decide to investigate this topic?
“I initially sought to identify and understand the role of T-cells from Ssc-ILD lung, but when this population of lung NK cells was observed, it warranted further investigation.”
What are you working on next related to this research?
“I am comparing NK cells from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), SSc-ILD, and control lung, analyzing genes at the RNA level, but also their transcription factor binding sites, utilizing computational methods. Not only can we see the difference in gene expression, but also how these genes may be engaged differently between disease states.”
What excites you most about your work?
“I enjoy making new observations and overcoming technical issues. I hope that someday what is learned can be used to develop targeted, effective (and safe) therapies for scleroderma patients.”
What are you most looking forward to at ACR Convergence 2024 in Washington, D.C.?
“I am looking forward to seeing what advances have been made in rheumatology, both in scleroderma and more generally. I am also looking forward to connecting with old colleagues and friends as well as building new relationships.”

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