Resiliency, patient advocacy, and overcoming the challenges of living with a chronic disease are hot topics in the ARP program at ACR Convergence 2022. The ARP Keynote, Distinguished Lecture, and Daltroy Lecture will explore these concepts in special presentations live in Philadelphia and available via livestream and on-demand.
The ARP Keynote and Distinguished Lecture both take place on Sunday, November 13.
“This is a perfect time to hear about resiliency because we’re all very burned out between the pandemic and everything that we’ve had to go through the last two and a half years,” said Jill R. Blitz, PT, DPT, ATP, chair of the ARP Annual Meeting Planning Committee. “The keynote will address how to enhance resiliency in our practice.”
Kathleen Flarity, PhD, DNP, University of Colorado, will present the ARP Keynote: Passion in Practice at 10:30 a.m. ET in Terrace Ballroom II and III of the Pennsylvania Convention Center.
In the Distinguished Lecture: Speak Out! The Power of Advocacy to Improve Patients’ Lives, at 3 p.m. ET in Ballroom AB, Kamala Nola, MS, PharmD, Lipscomb University College of Pharmacy, will address the power of advocacy to improve patient lives, including how providers can advocate for their patients and teaching patients how to advocate for themselves to get the best care.
Cheryl Crow, OT, of Arthritis Life, is an occupational therapist with arthritis who uses social media to provide a window into how to make the challenges of life with this disease more manageable. She will present the Daltroy Lecture: Life Hacks in Rheumatic Disease: Lessons Learned from TikTok and Social Media at 10:30 a.m. ET on Monday, November 14, in Terrace Ballroom I.
“She will talk about how to use the positive aspects of social media and how to navigate the negative aspects. She’s also going to show videos with her own special life hacks on how she manages her life as an occupational therapist and as a mother dealing with arthritis herself,” Dr. Blitz said.
Notably, Monday’s programming at ACR Convergence will continue all day, ending with the closing session from 6–7 p.m. ET in Ballroom AB. This is a change from previous years, when the final day of the meeting was a half day.
“The schedule is a little different than in the past. This year we have full days of sessions on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday,” said Blitz. “Also, this will be the first time we will meet in person in three years, and it will be a hybrid model, so there will be in-person and virtual options.”
The ARP Business Meeting & Networking Lunch on Sunday, November 13, will be an optimal venue for networking. It will take place 1–2 p.m. ET at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Independence Ballroom I-III.
“Since it has been so long since we have met in person, this will be a great way to reconnect with friends and for those for whom it is their first time, this will be an opportunity to meet other ARP members,” Dr. Blitz said.
Other sessions highlighted by Dr. Blitz include:
Dignity and Respect: How to Welcome and Care for Gender Diverse Patients in Your Practice
Saturday, November 12 | 12–1:00 p.m. ET | Room 119
This session aims to increase providers’ knowledge and understanding of appropriate terminology, language, and expression to ensure respectful, safe, and inclusive communication with LGBTQIA+ individuals.
The Societal Impacts of Plagues and Pandemics throughout History
Sunday, November 13 | 8–9 a.m. ET | Terrace Ballroom I
Speakers will explain the socioeconomic impact of pandemics, possible links between genetic selection after the Black Death and increased risk of rheumatologic conditions, and medical advances made in response to pandemics.
Latest COVID and Rheumatic Disease Therapies: What You Need to Know
Saturday, November 12 | 3–4 p.m. ET | Exhibit Hall A
Experts will review current literature and guidance on pharmacologic management of patients with rheumatologic diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic, discuss challenges in treating COVID-positive patients with rheumatologic diseases, and describe the intersection of rheumatology and infectious diseases in the utilization of DMARDs for treatment of COVID-19.
Workforce Solutions in Rheumatology: A Global Perspective
Monday, November 14 | 12–1 p.m. ET | Terrace Ballroom I
International speakers representing the interprofessional team of providers will present diverse solutions to this challenging issue. Topics include strategies to improve access to care, such as telehealth, and the benefits and challenges of employing advanced practice providers in rheumatology practice.
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Select ACR Convergence 2024 scientific sessions are available to registered participants for on-demand viewing through October 10, 2025. Log in to the meeting website to continue your ACR Convergence experience.