Jinoos Yazdany, MD, MPH, updated attendees about the latest from the ACR’s RISE registry, which aims to capitalize on electronic health record data to improve patient care. She said that the data collected and analyzed thus far has provided benefits.
Clinicians are often faced with uncertainty regarding the diagnosis and treatment of patients with non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis (SpA), but the Monday Clinical Practice session Axial SpA or No Axial SpA: What To Do When X-Rays Are Negative will help to shed light on these important…
“For many years after it was first described in the 1930s, Sjögren’s was considered to be extremely rare and was actually listed in the registry of the National Organization of Rare Diseases,” said Frederick Vivino, MD, MS, FACR. “In recent years, however, the pendulum regarding…
Methotrexate has long been the most common and most effective first-line therapy for the treatment of RA, and new and ongoing research continues to shed new light on optimal timing and dosing.
A healthcare practice is a business, and it must operate like one to survive, medical practice management consultant Owen Dahl, FACHE, CHBC, LSSMBB, reminded attendees during the Practice Matters: Navigate A Path to Success! premeeting course.
While telemedicine is a convenient option for both patients and providers to improve patient health, the field still has many rules and restrictions prohibiting it from reaching its optimal potential.
This year’s Rheumatology Research Foundation Lectureship to Honor Herbert Kaplan, MD, on Monday morning will look at the evolution of osteoarthritis from an inevitable result of aging and injury to a chronic condition that can be managed effectively for many patients.
MAS is an under-recognized complication of rheumatic illnesses that can progress quickly to multi-organ failure and death. A similar condition, known as secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, has seen treatment options expand greatly in recent years. A new crop of clinical trials may produce additional agents over…
The largely exploratory phase one of the AMP lupus nephritis project identified a novel interferon pathway that might be targeted using biologics that have already been approved for indications in other diseases.
The session will include perspectives from an ear, nose, and throat specialist and a rheumatologist as they explore surgical and medical approaches to these issues and discuss when a multidisciplinary approach is needed.